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Introduction of Nevedac APO
Memberships Available
Membership Fees
Application Form
Aims & Objects
Introduction of Nevedac APO
Nevedac Academy of Prosthetics and Orthotics (NAPO) has been established in order to upgrade the status and image of the Prosthetic & Orthotic professionals to promote high standard of orthotic and prosthetic ethics and care for patients with various disabilities. NAPO is non-political, non-government, non-profit organization for professionals and practitioners in the field of Prosthetics & Orthotics (P&O).
NAPO is a society or a group of learned persons in the Prosthetic Orthotic profession who are committed to promote our practitioners to provide the best P&O professional service and facilities to our patients. NAPO would also welcome eminent personalities from any field who supports our profession of Prosthetics-Orthotics, or the cause of Disabled persons and works for Disability Empowerment. He/she should be associated with a reputed organisation.
It is a forum for P&O Professionals to exchange their experience and expertise within themselves and also in close collaboration with other national and international organisations. NAPO shall also take the matter with appropriate authorities in an effort to encourage maximum use of resources for the betterment of the professionals in their endeavour to serve the physically challenged patients with highest quality of service. NAPO shall also be offering appropriate guidance and advice towards the educational and career development of P&O Practitioners.
NAPO would like to recognize and enhance the status of Prosthetic & Orthotic professionals and practitioners to that of Specialists, Consultants and Clinicians/Doctors, as practitioners of all other fields, dealing with patients, are known.
Memberships Available
Prosthetics-Orthotics is highly multi-disciplinary. Membership eligibility is for all professionals and practitioners who are involved in the profession of prosthetics-orthotics, rehabilitation technology, in its quality management, patients care, administrative management, health care administration, social workers, teaching & research, technicians, Prosthetic-Orthotic students, disabled persons and those involved in rehabilitation of physically challenged persons / disabled patients.
Fellow of Nevedac Academy of Prosthetics and Orthotics (FNAPO): Should be qualified in Prosthetics-Orthotics from Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI) approved institution OR practitioners and professionals certified by / registered with Rehabilitation Council of India. This is also applicable to practitioners and professionals who have qualified from reputed institutions abroad.
Member of Nevedac Academy of Prosthetics and Orthotics (MNAPO): Should be Qualified in Prosthetics-Orthotics from RCI approved institution or RCI registered /certified P&O professionals and practitioners. OR any eminent person of high standing who is highly qualified in any field and supports our profession of Prosthetics-Orthotics, or the cause of Disabled persons and works for Disability Empowerment. He/she should be associated with a reputed organisation. Membership (MNAPO) is being offered free of cost!!!
Registered Prosthetics Orthotics Practitioner (RPOP): Will be given to those professionals and practitioners who are qualified in Prosthetics-Orthotics from RCI approved institution or RCI registered / certified P&O professionals, who is Fellow (FNAPO) or a Member (MNAPO) of NAPO.
Note: NAPO reserves its right to accept or reject any application, without giving any reason.
Membership Fees
MEMBERSHIP FEES (one time): Along with the Application Form, Payment should be sent by Demand draft/cheque payable at Chandigarh , in favour of Dr. V.J.S. Vohra, who will issue the certificates in his capacity as Hony. Prosthetic Adviser to Governments of Punjab, Haryana, Chandigarh and Himachal Pradesh and President, NAPO.
Application Form, duly filled, alongwith Payment and necessary copies of your certificates, duly attested / self attested, should be mailed to: Dr. V.J.S. Vohra, President, NAPO, at
Your case would be duly processed and within 2 weeks your certificate would be despatched to you. If it is found at any later stage that any information regarding your qualifications or experience is false, it would lead to immediate cancellation of your membership. NAPO reserves its rights to reject any application without giving any reason.
Fee in (US $)
Registered Prosthetics Orthotics Practitioner
Application Form
Dr. V.J.S. Vohra, President
mail to:
I submit herewith my application for following membership. (Please put tick mark ):
Name. ......................................................................................................................................
Address: ...................................................................................................................................
Email .....................................................................Tel.No..........................................................
Cell No.......................................................................................................................................
Nationality ..........................................Date of birth: .................................... Sex.........................
Present Position/Duties ................................................................................................................
Experience in P&O........................................................................................................................
If not P&O, your role to support P&O professionals OR cause of disabled persons /Disability Empowerment
Details of attested copies of Certificates attached ..............................................................................
(May be self attested)
Membership of other Bodies ..............................................................................................................................................
If handicapped, give details............................................................................................................
Other relevant information .............................................................................................................
DECLARATION : I hereby declare that the information given in this application is true and correct. Having read the eligibility for membership, I truthfully commit that I am eligible for the membership I have applied for. If any information is found to be false at a later stage, my membership/registration will be cancelled.
Date____________ Signature of applicant______________________
For Office Use: Approved for...................................................
Dated: _________________________ President _________________________
Certificate sent on : ..............................
(Checked & sent by) ..............................................
(NAPO reserves its right to reject any application without giving any reason)
This application form should be sent along with mailed to Dr. V.J.S. Vohra, who will issue the certificates in his capacity as Hony. Prosthetic Adviser to Governments of Punjab, Haryana, Chandigarh & Himachal Pradesh and President, NAPO. This should be sent to;
To Download this Application Form, Just Copy & paste it
Fill it, and you may send it alongwith scanned copies of self attested relevant certificates by mail to
Aims and Objects
i. To promote, develop and educate Prosthetic and Orthotic Technology at National and International levels.
ii. To promote integrated planning, design and execution in the field of Prosthetics and Orthotics.
iii. To offer collaboration with other organizations for the promotion of Prosthetics - Orthotics and Rehabilitation Technology.
iv. To impart education to its members and propagate a system of professional growth by organizing seminars, conferences, lectures, group discussions and providing literature.
v. To open chapters at different places in the country and aboard.
vi. To promote the professionals for their educational and career development and personal prospects of the members.
vii. To maintain a roster of members as professionals, practitioners and consultants.
viii. To propagate, empower and to provide services for fitment of artificial limbs and assistive devices to handicapped persons, rehabilitation and medical relief/treatment for poor persons.
ix. To impart education in the field of Prosthetics, Orthotics, Rehabilitation Technology and all educational fields and also to carry out research work.
x. To give membership, fellowship and registration of professionals as practitioners in the field of Prosthetics, Orthotics and rehabilitation technology, depending on their qualifications and experience and also to recognize the handicapped persons with suitable membership depending on their qualifications.
xi. To assist, manage, take over and maintain Prosthetic Centres, hospitals, educational institutions and organizations for betterment of the society and render assistance to such organisations.
xii. To help the handicapped persons to safeguard their rights, facilities and privileges by doing all lawful acts so as to maintain their dignity as respectable citizens.